In the awakened spirit of adventure, it’s time to play Little Monster Detectives. Let your imagination guide you through the story, and don’t limit yourself. You are capable of imagining and making something happen that you’ve never experienced before. To bring others from reality to fantasy with the creative innovation born from within your mind.

Our story begins with the introduction to an adventure. Since this is a pledge to become detectives, we start by having the senior detective invite the little and beginner detectives to the Agency. Tools are a very important aspect of the tale and they will be shared by the team of detectives.

Make sure you have signed your detective contract; you will know which one to sign depending on the title presented. In this binding agreement, we’ve established the nicknames for detectives. Which will help detectives not to be recognized by the monsters. So always use the nickname and never use real names!

EVENTS should be prepared beforehand since they are the occurrences that took place before the detectives joined the agency. Here is where the detectives get the scoop about what happened. Try to integrate the clues you have discovered so the detectives can easily identify them.

MISSIONS are what the Agency advises us to do. They are specific tasks given to the detectives. Understanding the event and trying to get the clue is how the mission is done. It can be something like  ̈ Catch the monster that is making such a mess.´´

CLUES are what the monsters have left behind and they will guide the detectives to evidence that will lead to the discovery of the type of monster.

FEAR LEVEL is detected by the senior detective and use of the beeper tool, it is also used as a clue.

Hold on to your magnifying glass closer to see the upcoming updates.

Detective, it’s time to catch those monsters!